thank you

This blog is dedicated to the amazing wildlife rescue staff. Toronto Wildlife Centre and The Owl Foundation.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Screech Owl Release

On Oct 22, 2012 I was asked by The Owl Foundation to release a Screech Owl. I arrived at the owl foundation and it took Annick quite some time to find the owl. Well hidden in their outdoor enclosures. Snapped a shot of the little gray owl. My daughter Julie and friend Donna arrived at the location at 6pm. Julie went through the woods looking for a great location to let the owl be released. Donna and I joined Julie with the owl. This is one of those times I am so glad that I took photos at the owl foundation of the owl being released or we would not have any shots. Donna opened the box and the screech owl was gone. Through the trees deep deep into the woods. We stood there looking to see any sign of this pop sized can owl but no luck. To celebrate we went and fed the ducks. What a great release.