thank you

This blog is dedicated to the amazing wildlife rescue staff. Toronto Wildlife Centre and The Owl Foundation.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

An amazing day at Toronto Wildlife Centre May 2014

Released this Black and White Warbler that was rescued by FLAP after hitting a building. Thanks to Toronto Willdlife Centre he was able to be set free again.

A few goslings adopted out.

and the highlight was watching the amazing staff at TWC feed this baby mink.  

Saw whet Owl release #3 - for The Owl Foundation May 2014

All I can say was what a day off.  With 3 owls to release, american woodcock and thrush it was incredible.
Perfect weather, perfect location, perfect friend to attend and help take photos.  WOW
This was the last and final saw whet owl of the day.  A really pretty owl.  First two photos by Charm Anderson.  Thank you so much for a great day.

Going going 

Flew back into the light

A big poop and gone

deep in the woods

Saw whet Owl release #2 for The Owl Foundation May 2014

Charm Anderson released the second owl of the night.  The Saw whet owl had been in rehab for a few months at the Owl  Foundation.  Thankfully he recovered and we were able to release him up north.  It was starting to get dark and we were in the middle of trees very thick and deep.  All photos have been lightened so you can see them. 

I am gone.  Goodbye

Thanks to the staff at the site who helped us find the perfect location for the release.  Jason and Robert you were amazing.

Saw Whet Owls released for The Owl Foundation - 3 in one day May 2014

Thank you The Owl Foundation for making the releases possible.  First of the 3 owls we released up north.
This incredible photo was taken by Charm Anderson.  Perfect timing and perfect shot.  What a thrill to see him take off and land in the tree close by.

Can you see the saw whet owl flying into the tree.
The owl is the size of a pop can.  A Can of Coke.  

Those eyes those eyes.  Thank goodness for the 400mm lens.

Very quickly he flew from the branch to the top of the tree.  Last sighting of him.

American Woodcock and Hermit Thrush Release for Toronto Wildlife Centre May 2014

American Woodcock free amazing.
Thanks to the FLAP who rescued the bird from a window strike and the Toronto Wildlife Centre who was able to rehab the woodcock was able to be released back in the wild.
Thanks to Charm Anderson who took these amazing shots of the release.

Thank you Charm for taking this shot.  I had no idea what was coming out of the bad as it happened so fast.  We were told it was a thrush but figured we would see it.  Nope it was gone in a blink of a eye.
Again thank you to FLAP for saving this bird from a window strike and for Toronto Wildlife for rehabbing the bird.